Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Zookeeper, ya say?

I've had some time to calm down, thankfully. I got some news today about my ex-husband. I don't always post about the stupidity of his life or his decisions, but this one has me so damn angry I was actually crying today. I haven't cried in so long, it's just so annoying to me to be doing so now. I'm so fed up with him and his irresponsibility and immaturity. What could he have done now that has me so angry, you ask? Wait for it.... you'll never guess!
He bought a damn horse! Yes, a horse. He is a horse's ass. Of that much I'm certain.

I have, and I say *I*, not we because as of this moment I no longer consider him their father, but the sperm donor. , I have 2 daughters in the midst of major life changes that he should be helping them with. Walk out on your marriage and the responsibility of that marriage, but not on your children. I guess buying a horse is more important than the current needs of a daughter about to venture in to post secondary education.

There are many things I could, and want so much to say right now about him and his situation, but I can't do it. The ramifications of my airing my dirty laundry in such a public venue could come back to bite me in my horse's ass, so I'll not do it. I just hope that the justice he so deserves presents itself and I am rewarded for my patience in this situation and that his turn to pay up actually happens.

I can't help but imagine what it feels like for my girls to know that their needs don't come before that of a horse or the cat, the dog, the iguana or the cages of birds that their father and his 'wife' currently own. It breaks my heart to know that they have been cast aside. I'm hesitant to put these words out there because from time to time my children read this blog. Being that this is my 'dumping ground mentally and emotionally", is going to be the prodding that I need to get this crap out of my head.

The question is when will the justice be done? Will it ever be done? Will my children ever get the compensation that is owed to them? Owed to me?

I'm sitting here working at a second job that I don't, in all honesty want to be doing, so I can send my girls money for food, buy them things they can't otherwise afford and to pay off debt, that I created, but making money that I should by rights have from his responsibilities, but no.... a horse's ass is a horse's ass buying a horse. Go figure... may the shit on his shoe keep him secure in his new house..... hopefully one day soon the big house... as in the big house. Oh, I hate when I feel vindictive.


Syl said...

hugs to you sweetie.

Sometimes just getting it out helps a little, you know what else helps RUNNING! take your anger to the street and run, it always makes me feel better...just a thought feel free to tell me to butt out :-)

Take care of you, you are an amazing person!

Tigerlilly said...

I was going to send you (((HUGS))) but then realized you probably would prefer a (((PUNCHING BAG)))).

Hang in there. ;)

Kristin said...

Ugh...what an ass! I am so proud of you and so proud of Queenie. Sorry she doesn't have a dad who shows his pride in her too.

Marcelle said...

Sorry Tammy...big cyber hug to you....

Chris said...

Priorities anyone? Sorry you're still having to deal with this type of garbage.

Julie said...

Thanks for the comment on my blog.

... sorry to hear you have a horse's ass for an ex. That sucks big time.
Take care :)

Margaret said...

Urrrrrrrrrgh. Insert *unladylike words here*

What a jerk.