Saturday, September 26, 2009

Tears and Fear

The urge to cry is huge.

A very good friend of mine is in the hospital. I have no idea what is wrong, just that according to her husband "please pray, she's in the hospital and is very sick". Okay, I am crying now. Just typing the words and saying them in my head is enough to scare the bejesus out of me.

There are many people that come in to your life for reasons you don't know until a much later date. This woman would be one of those people. She means the world to me. I love her like a sister I never had.

I unexpectedly popped in to visit her yesterday. It was only just under an hour. She was complaining of not feeling well. She was having an issue with a medication so we thought that might be it. Now, I don't know. I'm not doing the whole guilt thing because this isn't about me, but what if we talked about something other than what we did? Would her and I have realized something else was going on? Something serious apparently.

I'm just rambling on and I know I am, because I am scared. If I'm scared, I can only imagine how she is feeling.

You will read this blog one day, I know you will, because that is what you do. I love you! From my heart to yours, get better. Sending you the gentlest of hugs!


Chiloe said...

That's when life gets so scary: one dau, everything is fine, the next day, everythihng is upside down ... Lots of hugs to you . I hope you friend will get better soon.

K-Pow said...

Positive thoughts for your friend!!!!!!!!!


Grace said...

I'm praying for your friend and sending hugs to you!

Anonymous said...


Amazon Runner said...

Positive thoughts coming your way.

Teena in Toronto said...

I hope your friend is okay.

20somethingfatty said...

I'm sorry to hear about your friend. I'll keep her in my thoughts and prayers.
DOn't beat yourself up over this. The only thing you can do now is to be there for her. Don't worry about what could or couldn't have been done in the past.

Kristin said...

Praying for her!

Pumpkin said...

I read V's Blog and I'm SO sorry to hear about what's happening :o( Who would have thought? I've been thinking of her ever since I heard.
