Friday, September 11, 2009

I Am Honoured

I've been honoured with one of the most adorable awards that will make the blog world rounds. Little Buster is a little darlin'. He has the most kissable little faces ever. He's been feeling a little under the weather lately, but receiving great love and care from his mommy.

I love reading Graciela's blog. It is real. She shares with you bits of herself. The good, the bad and the messy. It's the type of blog you rarely find and one I treasure. It is the wonder of the Internet that you can feel connected to a person, and care about them, yet never have met them.

Feel free to honour those that deserve it on your own blogs. Give accolades to Buster, if you will please.


Alberta said...

Aren't pets the greatest friend you could ever want? We now have 2...Cody is a 16 year young English Springer who still thinks she's part puppy and Romy, a 12 year old Siamese we adopted from our daughter now that they know Thing 2 is allergic.

Hope Buster is having an awesome day doing Buster type things!

Grace said...

You cannot imagine how thrilled I was to see B's picture come up on my blog reading list! :)

I'm so glad you like the are definitely one of my blog friends!

Love ya!