Saturday, February 23, 2008

180 Hours and Nothing!

This post should be filled with a vision of beauty, Love at 180 hours. I could post it, but what would be the use. What you would see is the efforts of my frog trying to one up me. He wins this round! :) That damn amphibian. Trying to keep things positive I could thank the frog since he has enabled me to spend more time with Love than I would otherwise have done. That's it - thank you. I shall kill him with kindness since nothing else is working!

I'm still plugging away on Love and as much as I've had problems with it, I'm loving it. No pun intended. This piece still holds the allure that drew me in in the first place. That is really something.

I'll be back sooner rather than later with an update and a lovely pic to share.

Renovations are still dragging on. I've still not heard from the contractor. Today marks 2 weeks. I called and left him a message and still have heard nothing. Todd is heading over to my place this morning/afternoon to prime my basement, so that is something! I have to be happy with anything getting done at this point. Soon very very soon!

Happy stitching days to you!


Chiloe said...

Have you thought about kissing the frog (just to see what might happen? lol )

Your Love is "almost" complete (it will be just in time to be hung in your new house ;-) )

Dani - tkdchick said...

I have a frog shower curtian in my bathroom... it helps keep them there as frogs like to hang out in wet places with their friends.

_ said...

LOL Kill him with kindness...I like that! Let's hope it works. (((Hugs))) on all the trouble he's causing.

Your troubles with your contract sound like the problems we are having with our insurance agent. Can't get him to do anything. I'm so annoyed right now I could spit nails...just found out that he's been hanging onto $1000 check we gave him in Dec to open a fund for Keari because we need to sign a form...a form he never told us about! That's just the tip of the iceburg...there's been alot more going on than that. Grr!

Deirdre said...

Shhh...don't tell. I haven't seen the frog lately. I guess because he has been visiting your house:) Looking forward to seeing "love" finished:)

Pumpkin said...

Here froggie, froggie! Come out, come out, where ever you are so I can cook you up for Tammy ;o)

I'm so sorry you had to RIP some more out :o( That's good that you're not just throwing the project aside. Whew! You'll get there! We're here to encourage you :o)