Sunday, February 01, 2009

Garbly Goop and the Next Step

Let me start by saying this - WI STS this week. 133.6 for another week. It could have been worse, I could have gained.

I've been asked in response to a few previous entries, how much I want to lose and how tall I am. So here we go:

  • Height - 5' 2"
  • Goal Weight - 125-123

In another life (ugly and emotionally charged) I got down to 119/120lbs. I got to 123 in a healthy manner by eating properly and hitting the gym for intense cardio/weight training workouts 6 days per week. At times I would be at the gym 2x in one day depending on the other half's work schedule. The last push of weight loss from 123-119/120, was not eating properly at all.... coffee, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches (1 per day) and cherry filled chocolate. It was unhealthy food I was eating and coupled with the small amounts, I dropped weight and I looked nasty thin.

Fast forward to now - 3.5 years later and I'm back up to 133.6 and fighting mentally with working out and getting healthier. Every day I wake up, I say this is the day I am going to make the changes to get back to where I was. I start off well and then I lose it somewhere along the way. I either don't got to the gym or I eat crap.

Yesterday, I had a moment when thinking about my life, my busy schedule, the house and all the commitments I make a priority for everyone else and not for myself. I am going to set up a work out station at home and I'm going to do my level best to encourage and help Princess as well.

Cute Boy owns the following equipment pieces:
  • A universal
  • Flat/Incline bench
  • Free Weights
  • Elliptical
  • Ball

That is more than enough to build a small home gym and that is what I'm going to do. The universal will be a bit before it's put together and I'm okay with that. I'm knowledgeable enough with the free weights and I'm confident enough to put something together, especially when partnered with Oxygen magazine. I talked with Princess about whether or not she'd like to participate and she said she's interested.

Princess has been asking me for a gym membership and I just can't swing it for her right now. Money isn't the issue it's the time constraints of getting her there. I can barely get myself there, so adding her to that mix would be near to murderously difficult. She hasn't said it to me, but I know she's concerned about this upcoming summer because she is an attendant in a wedding (maybe). Not maybe is she an attendant, but maybe there will be a wedding. LOL

So, Team Lean this is where you come in! I need an ass kickin'. I have absolutely no excuse for not doing something. The elliptical is already in the house and has been since the 2nd day here. It is now time for me to shake off the cobwebs and put the damn thing to use! The other tools I need are a little more difficult, but I can do something and I will! If I falter, pick me up and push me on my way. Hold my hand if you will, encourage and demand I do better next time. The competitive and driven side of my personality has gotten complacent and I'm tired of it and tired of me! I'm countin' on ya Team. I've let you down with not helping in putting up good numbers and I want to be successful for me and for you!

I'm off to get some things done around the house and to get on the elliptical this morning. Minimum effort is 20 minutes. In my current state, anything more than that is gravy!

Love ya!


Bre said...

Well a little (okay BIG) kick from a Non-team Lynn member coming your way - you can do this and it sounds like cuteboy comes with accessories! Cool!! You will do this - I have faith in you girlfriend!!!

K-Pow said...

Consider your ass kicked my dear!!!

No more excuses!!!

Chiloe said...

You can do it, you can do it !!! YOu know I'm trying too and I did the 5 miles Leslie Sansone DVD this afternoon. It's hard but if you did it before, you can do it again !!!I wish I could be 133 again ( I'm 5.3) Hope you can reach your goal !!!

BTW, consider your ass kicked !!! lol

Tiffa said...

I totally hear where you are coming from. For 8 days straight I started each day out properly, even got some exercise in on half of those days and then totally botched it later in the day leading to a humongo gain. You STS but perhaps next week would not be so lucky if you continue on the slippery slope. I hope you get back on track (I hope I do too!)

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

You have a very well thought out plan. You'll execute it and get to your goals, I'm positive.

My problem was: I found in my own life, that is exactly what I did...I thought about it, thought about what I should do, how I should do it, when I should do it, how long I should do it, until last summer I decided that it isn't the thinking that is important, it is the I get myself up and I get my rear end hiking - that was before my elliptical. I walked every morning from 5 a.m. until I had 2 miles in, then I walked in the evening 2 miles. We invested in a elliptical, now all I have to do is haul my rear end to the basement and sweat my A$$ off (well I hope it's sweating it off) rather than my thinking about it, I'm doing it. You're gonna do it too!

Pumpkin said...

Okay, I know you can do it and so do you but I don't want you over obsessing about this either! Unfortunately as we get older, it will take longer for things, such as weight, to come off. You're off to a good start so just continue with it :o)