Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas With My Cuties

Clipart stolen from from Krista

Isn't she just the cutest clipart ever?!

Last night was my Christmas with my daughters and it couldn't have been better, maybe longer, but definitely not better. Other than just not enough time with them, it was wonderful to be with them.

I will briefly touch on the reasons for the short amount of time, only to lay the groundwork for how the time turned out how it did. As you may be aware my ex-husband (LOL) lives 1.5 hours away from here. Now the Queenie is living with her dad, Princess wanted to be with her, so she is spending Christmas day at her dad's. So, he had to come down to pick her up since I've yet to offer to drive her there. In coming to town to pick up Princess, he brought Queenie with him to celebrate Christmas with me. He originally wanted to give us 20 minutes while he sat in the parking lot. If that was all I could get, it would have had to be be enough for me. As it is, I was with the girls from 4:50-6:30 or so. I was to have them back to him by 6p, but I ran late. Ooops! I wanted to have them back on time since he never plays by the rules, I wanted to set an example, but it didn't happen. In true typical fashion, I'm more disappointed in myself for not holding the bar to the height I expect in return.

So, bring on the dismantling of gifts wrapped so pretty and glittery! Due to our limited time the hugs and kisses were fast paced as the wrapping paper flew. I do believe at one point we lost the dog under the mound of discarded wrap. Too funny. This was not a Christmas of my memories, but a memory filled Christmas just the same.

The girls were so excited for us to be together. I think today, as I sit here and file my memories of last night that is what touches me most. The excitement. Life has changed so much for all of us in the last little while and to see little girl excitement again is heart warming.

I do not want to appear unappreciative of my gift from the girls, which is an uber cool Sony mp3 player for when I restart at the gym next week. I am truly the richest of people to be blessed with the love of the most amazing young women. That is worth more than any store bought bauble.

Merry Christmas to you and yours.


K-Pow said...

Merry Christmas baby doll!!


Chiloe said...

It always makes me sad to see some parents have to spend Christmas without the kids because the adults can't find a way to be get along ... One of friends had to celebrate christmas on sunday becaue her ex didn't want to share the holiday ... (her kids are 11, 8 and 4 ... so sad.)

Merry Christmas to you! Hope next year the girls will want to celebrate it with you. I'm sure when they'll have kids, they won't even understand how you were able to survive not being with your kids on christmas as them, they won't even imagine being away more than an hour from their own kids ... You are very strong my friend !!!


Deirdre said...

Merry Christms! I am glad you got to spend some time with your daughters!

Velda said...

I am *so* pleased to read this. And I enjoyed both my giggles. Don't be hard on yourself. I'm glad you enjoyed extra time :) Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas

Kristin said...

I am so glad you got time with your girls. MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Stitchingranny said...

Memories are one of our most treasured possessions and I am glad that you got more to store this year,, and such happy ones.

Christmas and New Year blessings to you and your girls even if you are apart.

Dani - tkdchick said...

Tammy I'm glad you were able to spend some time with your girls and made it special! That's what counts!

Pumpkin said...

Even though your time was short, it does sound like it was very special :o)