Thursday, December 04, 2008

Christmas Countdown

December 3 (a day late - sorry) - Children are one of the most beautiful experiences of the Christmas preparation. There is nothing that prompts a smile from my heart more than the twinkle in a little child's eye at the sight of Santa or Christmas lights.

I tried early on with my own children to show them that Christmas isn't just about presents. I lost the battle, but I did honestly try.

Have you ever watched a little one waiting in line to see Santa or try and find that perfect gift for someone they love. Next time you're at the mall, see if you can't witness a little one putting money in the Christmas kettle. Too cute. They are so proud to be giving to someone else. The true spirit of giving and not just monetary goods or money is really what this is about for me.


Kristin said...

Isn't that wonderful!

Pumpkin said...

I don't know how parents do it. I really don't.