Monday, September 15, 2008

Yankee Stadium Distance Challenge

Distance to go - 292.7

I didn't do a distance challenge for August. Zero is zero no matter how you look at it.

Now living in condo hell, Daisy no longer has a yard and needs to be walked a minimum of 2 times daily. She sometimes gets more walks than that, but I'm not always the one doing the walking. That would be Cute Boy, bless him.

The distance I walk isn't far. This isn't the type of hardcore work out I'm accustomed to nor muscle building. Only .76 each loop, but every little bit helps.

4 - 1.52
5 - 1.52
6 - 2.28
7 - 2.28
8 - 1.52
9 - 1.52
10 - 1.52
11 - 1.52
12 - 1.52
13 - 2.28
14 - 2.28
15 - 2.28
16 - .76
17 - 1.52
18 - .76
19 - 2.28
20 - 3.04
22 - .76
23 - 2.15
24 - .76
25 - .76
26 - .76
27 - 2.28
28 - 1.52
29 - 1.52
30 - 1.52 (42.58)

As I enter the distances, I find this might not be all that bad a thing, this condo hell of mine.

September End Distance Remaining - 250.12KM


Kristin said...

Good luck keeping up with the distances.

Anonymous said...

Anything is better than nothing right???
Keep it up hun!

Pumpkin said...

Keep up the good work girl! You can do it :o)

Velda said...

I'm still uber shocked that Cute Boy does Daisy.......

magickalstitches said...

Keep up the good work!! It's amazing how those little things add up isn't it! My jaw dropped when I realized just how far I was walking just taking Dd to and from school every day.

NHStitcher said...

Hurry up girl, before the stadium closes for good! I think you are doing great!