Wednesday, July 22, 2009

A Tough Call

Things in my life are what they are, as they always are.

I've finally made a phone call for an appointment for some kind of counselling. I have an Employee Assistance Program for various types of counselling through my work. I figured it's a service that is offered and I might as well use of resources available to me.

I called for an appointment about a month or so ago. I was never able to connect to the counsellor since I'd only given my cel phone as a contact. I let things slide for the time being, but life being what it is I've made another attempt at setting up an appointment.

I'm expecting a call from the counsellor in the next couple days. I'm not sure how long I'll have to wait for an appointment. Hopefully not long.

My head is a mess. I'm an emotional basket case, so much so, that I think I'm depressed again. I've been depressed a couple times in the past, so I'm very aware of the signs. I cry at the drop of a hat - numerous times per day. My head races with thoughts of all sorts. I'm not sleeping all that well. The only oddity is I still have an appetite. Of course I still have an appetite! GRRRRR!!! My previous experiences with depression have seen these symptoms as my indicators of a slippery slope for me. I hope it's not depression because I hate that feeling. Been there done that before.

I will keep doing what I'm doing for now and hope for the best that I'm not too long in getting in to talk to someone.


Have a great day!


Bre said...

((HUGS)) sweetie, I hope EAP will help - I was going through some things about a year ago and called and they helped me and TON!

Dani - tkdchick said...

Awww Tammy! Thank goodness for EAP, I've got it too but haven't had to take advantage of it yet. Don't let it slide this time and talk to someone!

If you feel up to it, there's a HUGE day long retreat in Brighton at Knowledge & Needles on August 22nd. If you need a ride I can help you out, there's also Rebecca whose in Kingston as well who could give you a lift. ITs a great day, last year there was about 25 stitchers in attendance. Your cost... a dish for potluck!

Alberta said... are so brave to post about your turmoil...I hope you get your appointment soon so you can rest easier.

Kristin said...

{{{Hugs}}} Tammy...hope the proactive approach help you deal with this.

Pumpkin said...

Tammy, I think you have done the right thing. Please don't give up and hopefully get connected with someone. Make sure it's a good connection too because otherwise, it's not going to help you. Trust me, I've been through it and I'm not the easiest person to get information out of ;o)

You truly need to find out who YOU are and be happy with who YOU are. We are all beautiful. I thought of you yesterday when I heard the song Beautiful by Deborah Cox (I think). You should listen to the lyrics :o)

You CAN do this!

Grace said...

Oops. I've been reading posts backwards. Didn't realize you were feeling so down. I hope you hear from the counselor soon. I can attest to how much it has helped me. If you don't hear soon, call again!

Have you ever taken anti-depressants? That's another thing that's helped me alot. Please don't suffer.