Sunday, December 17, 2006

Holy Creepy!

I've been posting a lot in the last day or two. Sadly of those posts, nothing really from my head or heart (deleted it), but the few posts I've done have been equally important to me, as if these were words from my own mouth.

The lyrics I post are important to me, because they have touched me or fit with something I'm feeling or dealing with at the time I've posted them. My horoscopes are posted only when they are strangely accurate to what I'm dealing with at the time as well. I love how outside sources are parrallel to your own experiences. It is reassuring, but sad to know that others can possibly be dealing with your same issues.

Here is my horoscope for today. I'm seriously a wee bit creeped out about this one. I'm dealing with things and this one just fits my state of being perfectly. How is that so?

Reconnect with your self-worth today, and literally say to yourself out loud, "I am awesome." You are terrific at extending your heart out to others and helping them along with their issues. Now take some of that love and caring and focus it on yourself. Issues having to do with love and romance are of primary concern today and you should take time to evaluate where you are at this stage and nourish this part of your being.

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