Thursday, October 08, 2009

Passionately Pink's Run for the Cure

Our personalized shirts

Loot bags

All my pink and angel goodies

The most rockin'-est team ever!

My angel (Velda)

This year's run didn't turn out anything like I expected. Not one single thing. I had an awesome team! I love doing the run, but I hate doing the run. I don't want to do cancer anymore. I'm tired of it! I'm sick of it! I hate it!

We all gathered around each other on a cold wet day. There was one of us missing and that just broke my heart. Velda couldn't be with us this year because of her own battle with cancer.

Our team broke apart once the run began. Krista ran, Princess and Queenie walked together, Cute Boy's daughters and I walked together and bringing up the rear was Miss Mary and her little chicklets. The route this year was very hilly and not the most walker friendly route there ever was.

In the last 500 meters, Cute Boy's daughters and I caught up to mine. We were coming down the home stretch where Krista was already waiting, and out of the corner of my eye, was Velda. I didn't expect to see her at all. It was such a shock to me! I cried as I saw her and together we stood holding each other just on this side of the finish line. Hand in hand we walked together across the finish line. I don't know the last time I cried those kind of tears, until today!

Less than one week later, the tears have started again.

The run will be run again next year! I don't want to do the run anymore! I'm sick of it! While I was living the Run day and I was composing this entry in my head, I wanted it to be about hope (and it is) and a fighting spirit. Right now I'm all out of fighting spirit. I know I'll find it again. I will. I have no choice, but right now I'm all out of everything.

Tomorrow is a new day. A day that I can start over when my feet hit the floor. A day that has nothing but promise. Tomorrow will not bring me the heartaches of today. Today will not be lived again (thankfully).

I'm sorry!


K-Pow said...

Cancer fucking sucks!!!! and so does snot sleeves!

You know where I am if you (or V) needs anything!


Pumpkin said...

Oh Tammy, but the ending was SO wonderful HAVING Velda there :o) And if she can be there next year and the next, then the Run will be worth doing and your spirit should return.


Velda said...

Tammy don't you EVER be sorry. I love you. Telling you was the hardest thing I've ever done in my life. I will ALWAYS be your angel.

Krista, I laughed SO loud about snot sleeves lol

Dani - tkdchick said...

I hope you find the strength to do it again next year!