Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Stitching Stuff

I'm just cleaning up my stitching for the evening errrr, for the morning. I'm here at work and I'm exhausted and happy all at once.

I was able to stitch just over 5 hours the past two nights while working 6p-2am. Tonight's showing has 17 colours on my desk and another near pic update. As much I seemed to be changing colours after only 2 or 3 stitches, I think you can really notice a difference. The flower section is much fuller looking. My week is pretty full from here on out, but hopefully by next Tuesday or Wednesday I'll have another update shot to share.

With my upcoming move to the condo, I had to switch some of my shifts around to enable me to be around on Todd's schedule to help him move stuff. This is good and bad.

Bad: I'm working evenings.
Good: I'm working evenings so I can stitch while I'm at work.

I'm a really sick turn around shift tonight. Off at 2am and back in to work for 7am. Ugly and gross no matter how you slice it! I will fall into bed tomorrow night a zombie.

That's all the nattering I have for you tonight.

Sweet dreams to all!


Chris said...

But ooh will you slep well. Hope today goes quick and smooth.

Chris said...

Just saw your comment on my blog....I'll try to stay out of your head for the rest of the day.

Amanda said...

All that stitching time sounds like a great way to pass the time. Can't wait to see an update pic!

Pumpkin said...

Ouuuuuuuuu....can't wait to see it :o)

I hope you get through that quick night. Your head will have hardly hit the pillow and you have to be up again :oS

Btw, I just mailed something to you today. I hope it will get to you with your move!

Kristin said...

{{{Hugs}}}...Wildflower Rhapsody is looking amazing. I can't wait to see the next pic. Glad you are getting stitching time but the schedule sounds vicious.