Sunday, August 09, 2009

A Peek Inside My Kitchen

Operation Fat Buster's weekly challenge is to post pics on our individual blogs of the food in our kitchen.

The following are the areas of food in my home. I did the best I could to capture the honesty of the food consumed and purchased. I will say, most of the healthy food you see is mine. Cute Boy's, not so much. He does fruit, but not much in the way of veggies. We are working towards finding a food balance. It is a challenge to be sure.

The Fridge

Upper Cupboard

Storage Shelf in basement

Lower Cupboard

Some of the 'crap' seen is not mine, but when opened will be consumed by me... sad. There are better choices to be made and I'm not making them. Only my issues are standing in the way of my success.


Kristin said...

Good luck hon!

Pumpkin said...

Really not a lot of bad stuff Tammy. I do see a lot of pop and that Kraft peanut butter. Those are the only two that catch my eye. We changed over to real peanut butter and I can honestly say I will never go back to Kraft. It tastes like butter now :oP

Trina said...

Nice roomy my crappy townhouse fridge anyday. I'll tell you what, I'll take one of those beers. lol. Looks good to me...who am I to judge. We're all in this together. You said it yourself. It's all about making good choices.

P.S I'm keeping my Peter Pan Peanut Butter.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on completing this week's mission! I agree with Trina - you have a nice roomy frig! I'll be getting my photos up tomorrow :)