Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Yankee Stadium Bound

Relatively speaking, I'm heading to Yankee Stadium. I've been to the home of my beloved Yankees once in my life and probably will not get back again in time before they move to another stadium. I'm of two minds with this move of theirs, but that is for another time.

There was a time in my life when I was quite physically fit and extremely active. It was a passion and drive I had to be at the gym 5-6 days a week. I started out walking and then progressed to running during this time at the gym. I know some would call me a runner, but I question the title. I tried and I loved it. Life has changed a lot in the last couple years and with those changes my commitment to the gym, my body and my running has also undergone some restructuring. I am sad to report I haven't run in months. I've done a bit of walking and I'm happy for that, but I miss the push, drive, sweat and ache (not pain) of a good run.

I have been giving some thought to trying to re-evaluate my body and my lack of desire to run or better myself physically at this point in my life. Believe me, it's not that I'm at all content with my mini-tire around my midsection nor the fact I have pants in my closet that range between 4 sizes, and too many pants to count, but only have 4 that I'm comfortable wearing. There is something not right in that!

I will not make excuses, but let it be known I've suffered sciatic nerve problems in the past and they hurt like hades and scare me even more. I've recently developed a problem behind my right knee, but on the back side of my leg. It isn't a constant pain, but it's something. I've not been to the doctor about it because I'd just rather live with my head in the sand so to speak! Bad habit.

The challenge I put forth in an effort to reclaim my desire and success in working out and being healthier, I'm going to log my kilometres travelled to get myself to Yankee Stadium, where if I could be anywhere in the world right now, that would be the place.... okay there may be one other place I'd rather be, but again - another time.

The distance from my door to Yankee Stadium is 386.82 miles or 662 KM. I will log my time when running, walking or biking to get to a total of 662KM. I will not set a completion date, but just add the totals as they come. This exercise will be specific exercise set aside for this purpose only, not distance spent walking around doing everyday things, but actual activity walks. I'm a little apprehensive with my minor aches and pains, but I look forward to, actually crave the challenge. I really hope this is my way of overcoming this obstacle.

662 KM to go!


Velda said...

T, that's a REALLY REALLY neat goal!!!!!! Now where should I go? Maybe that would get me off my fat butt too....don't forget I'm only a phone call away for that walk each evening!

Anonymous said...

Way to go TT!! You know I will help you out with as many KMs as possible! Now I will have to set a goal for myself (although my 10k clinic starts tomorrow) so I suppose that is a goal in itself. Lets get our butts into gear!!

Margaret said...

Now will you make a virtual stop at my house when you get down here?

Chris said...

Great goal!
Hmmm...how far is it from my house to Nashville?

Kathy said...

Made my first trip to Yankee Stadium this summer. Wanted to see it before it was torn down. Not a Yankee fan, just like the old stadiums. Had a nice time and went back the next day for the behind the scenes tour. Enjoy your trip there.