Saturday, November 08, 2008

Kitchen Krazy of the Good Kind

This is the table that Cute Boy and I bought today for the new house. Pam and I went shopping on Wednesday afternoon and found this beautiful table set. Cute Boy and I went back today to look at it. I only wanted him to see it, see if he liked it or not. It is more than he was wanting to pay, but we walked away with it anyway. Leon's was having a tax free weekend on Ashley Furniture, so it was an opportunity to save 13%.

After finishing up with the kitchen sales lady we headed to the Appliance section where we decided on a new fridge, stove, microwave and and dishwasher. The fridge and dishwasher were on for such an incredible price Cute Boy felt it was worth it to put a downpayment on them and hold them for when we buy our home. Between just the fridge and dishwasher alone we saved about $900.00! WOOHOO for us.

The appliances are all black and soooo pretty! Now, the only large appliances left to buy would be the washer and dryer. We have the item numbers for the pair we want, but chose not to buy them today! I'm good with that.

I'm so excited with what we have bought so far. Today was a fun day, albeit an expensive one.


K-Pow said...

That table is FAB!!! Love it!

Just think of all the stuff you now can consider DONE now!!!

AND you saved money...even better!

Whooo Hoooo!!!!

Love the positive tone of this post too :)


_ said...

Sounds like a good day. Love the table!

Pumpkin said...

Oh wow! What a fun day you must have had :o) Great table! I'm SO jealous!!!!

Velda said...

oohhh I love those extra tall tables. Good job on the sale prices!!

Kristin said...

I love that table. Congrats on all the money you saved.