Sunday, June 15, 2008

Wildflower Rhapsody - 25 hours

OMG what an atrocious picture. I'm sorry it is sooo grainy and for the fact that I didn't redo it. I'm just too tired to bother right now. I may replace it tomorrow.

This the first time I've touched my stitching in over a week. I knew this was going to happen when I started working full time. I'm not complaining because I really do like the routine of full-time shifts and having the weekends off. I just knew I would be so busy with every day chores that my hobby time would be minimal.

I've finished a book this week and did a little stitching, so all is not bad. I will eventually find a balance. I will, right?

Thanks for looking and happy stitching days to you!


Pam @ Heart2Heart said...

Finally able to leave comments again. Great job on Wildflower Rhapsody! Looking forward to your next update =) Working full time does make it hard to stitch with all the other obligations, but hopefully being in a 'routine' will help you. I'm still trying to get into a routine though LOL.

Chiloe said...

Great progress Tammy ;) I love Paula Vaughan but never stitched any of her designs ;) Is it like my Lanarte right now: confetti stitches that drives everybody crazy? lol

May I ask what kind if job do you do?

Pumpkin said...

Considering you were working with some really boring colors there, you made great progress!!!! :o)