Sunday, June 15, 2008

All I Want To Do

This is representative of my day. Daiquiri, Daiquiri and another. I'm home alone today with no where to go and a few things that need to be done. I'm working my way down the list with the assistance of a few daiquiris or is it daquiria? No intervention needed.... I'm just livin' it up and enjoying my home and the beautiful summer-like day since it's not officially summer yet.

I've been listening to Sugarland's All I Want To Do all day on my Musicmatch. I love this song with it's infectious beat and summer feel. When singing along, I sound just like Jennifer Nettles in case you're wondering.

Princess won't be home now until tomorrow - grrrrr! Good for her though because she's doing something REALLY cool with her dad and his new family. Cute Boy is working and I'm not, I'm up to my own vices. I've had moments where I've not liked being alone. The social butterfly in me gets lonely, but for the most part I really am okay on my own. I like my own time, doing things to my own satisfaction, on my own clock, with no chirping in the background or comments about, what I'm doing or why!

I'm not sure what I've planned for this evening, maybe a light dinner with a little stitching or maybe some reading out on the deck. Awww the wonders of wonderful weather and nothing more pressing than which hobby to choose for entertainment!

Awwww, how I really do love my life!


Bre said...

Sounds like a wonderful day! You totally deserve it!!

Chiloe said...

Cheers !!!!!!!!!!!!

Pumpkin said...

Ah man! I wished you lived closer so I could enjoy one of those with you ;o)

I'm glad you took some time for yourself and relaxed a bit.