Wolfe Island Classic 10KM
The commitment shot! There is something so incredibly invigorating when presented with your race kit. I'm like a little kid at Christmas waiting to see my number. I love the feeling. Our race kits were comprised of our bibs, hair elastics, a granola breakfast bar, a percentage off coupon for pictures taken throughout the race. Very cool!
Here's one of the watering stations set up along the running route. What is important to note here, is this is done by the residents of the island, not by the race coordinators.
It was touching to see the support offered by the residents of the island. Families would be set up on the side of the road offering water cups, clapping, cheering and words of encouragement. It brought a tear to my eye a couple times to see the support and to feel the appreciation. I know I'm a loser! This would be my ever-wonderful K-Pow about the 8K mark, I think it was. Again, I can't tell you enough what she means to me! It is way too difficult to put it to words. Through my aches, pains and overall fear of failure, you were right there! Every step of the way you cheered me on, pushed when I needed it even though I sure as hell didn't want it! Thank you, my dear friend! This is OUR thing! :)
My 8K moment - WOOHOO Over half way. That was important to me!
Here is my moment of utter accomplishment and relief. I DID IT!!!! Since K-Pow finished ahead of me, she was able to get a shot of my moment! Thank you, sweetie. So fitting, the song playing on my mp3 player at the moment of crossing - Fighter. I love it! It was a mental fight for me at various points throughout this run and leading up to it. I was so worried about my foot and then my left hip (sciatic pre-cursor), but there was no way I was going to let this opportunity pass me by! I'm so glad I pushed through the mental torture I'm so good at and got it done. I don't yet know my official time, but I do know it is my personal best based on K-Pow's finish time that was about 1 minute ahead of mine! My finish time was 1:05:37 Pace - 6:34
My brush with greatness! Oh, how I love Don Cherry. I accosted the poor man as he was coming out of church. I felt bad for that, but Don being Don, he just smiled and graciously gave of his time to let K-Pow and I get a couple of pics with him.
This the likes of what surrounded us. The beauty of the island is second to none.
I must say to the good folks of Wolfe Island - Thank you! You're too kind and I'm blessed to have shared in the beauty of your home for just a short while! From the bottom of my heart, you touched me. I know I can be an emotional sap at times, and today is no different, but it really made a world of difference for me that you gave of your morning to support a bunch of runners that clog up your roadways and in turn throw our water cups on your grass..... I felt terrible about that! Thank you!
That's AWESOME girl!!!! Congrats! You should be SO proud of yourself :o) I have a big smile on for you!
I got all excited when I saw the picture of Don Cherry! Does he live on Wolfe Island?
PS- Guess who's going to see Oakland vs NYY in 2 weeks? :)
You are so awesome!!!! What an inspiration you are to me!! I'm so glad I read this after I read all your comments to me and I'm so glad you did it!! You looked marvelous out there!!
Congratulations to both of you! You were still glowing when you stopped by and you could tell how excited and proud you were to accomplish this feat given your unsure nature a few days prior. I'm so proud of both of you!!!!!!!!!
Yay!!!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!
WAY TO GO GIRLEE!!! That is quite the accomplishment! You should be PROUD!
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