Monday, May 26, 2008

Wildflower Rhapsody - 15 hours

I don't normally post pics at the 5 hour mark. I know! I know! Beat a dead horse already. I put out the option and had 2 ya's, so here is my most recent update.

I've been making really good progress on this one and loving every minute. The problem is, as of this morning my stitching time will be to a minimum for a while. Oh well, it's not a race. I'll get to it when I'm able and love it all the more for the time away!

Quick post this morning, since I should be getting ready for work. Running on 4.5 hours sleep right now so I'm not the most articulate anyway.

Happy stitching days to you!


Pumpkin said...

Holy moly! That's quite the chunk you've got done!

Hey, at least you're coherent enough to do a post ;o)

Sue said...

You are blasting your way through this one. I love any kind of stitching update, the more the better ;)

Velda said...

It's gorgeous!

Stitchingranny said...

thats lovely