Sunday, July 30, 2006

Giggles Boy and Giggles with the girls

Originally posted January 21, 2006

I worked on Paula Vaughan's Job's Tears today. I logged 3 hours 25 minutes for a total on this piece of 43 hours 35 minutes. I will definetely get to my 45 hours tomorrow.

I will be working on Mirabilia's Giggles boy tomorrow after I hit my total time on Job's Tears. I want to contribute more to the January theme piece. I just have to remember when go home tonight to get my beading needle and the chart with the bead symbols.

I would like to say that life is slowing down, but that would be a big lie. I've got so much on the go and how I've managed to keep all the balls in the air is something I'll never understand.

I'm having a girls night at Pam's tonight with some of the coolest women I know. It will be a big-giggle-drink-your-face-off-kinda-night. I don't know how functional I'll be tomorrow, but tonight promises to be fun.

That's all I have on the go for now.

Love to all and happy stitching days to you.

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